Kline Calls on President to Denounce Job-Killing NLRB Decisions
August 30, 2011
House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) released the following statement after President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced a series of decisions that will make sweeping changes to federal labor policy:
“In one fell blow, the NLRB has overruled years of labor policy in an underhanded scheme designed to please its powerful Big Labor allies. The decisions handed down will turn workers against coworkers and undermine an employees’ ability to challenge unionization. Adding insult to injury, the NLRB is also advancing a proposal that will stifle an employer’s free speech and undermine an employee’s free choice. “President Obama can no longer stand idle as his labor board wreaks havoc on the nation’s workforce. With more than 14 million Americans unemployed, it is past time the president denounce the job-destroying actions of the NLRB and begin working with Congress on responsible policies that will put our nation’s workers and job-creators first.”