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A Better Way to Fix Health Care

House Republicans today unveiled a plan to replace Obamacare. It is our vision for a Confident America in which every American has access to quality, affordable health care. This is the fifth plank of A Better Way, a bold agenda to tackle some of our country’s biggest challenges. 

Our plan—available now at—offers a better way to fix health care, including:

  • More choices and lower costs. Our plan gives you more control and more choices so that you can pick the plan that meets your needs—not Washington’s mandates.
  • Real protections and peace of mind. Our plan makes sure that you never have to worry about being turned away or having your coverage taken away—regardless of age, income, medical conditions, or circumstances.
  • Cutting-edge cures and treatments. Our plan clears out the bureaucracy to accelerate the development of life-saving devices and therapies.
  • A stronger Medicare. Our plan protects Medicare for today’s seniors and preserves the program for future generations.

Task Force on Health Care Reform. Later today at AEI, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) will talk about these ideas alongside members of the Task Force on Health Care Reform, which includes: Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA), Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN), Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), and Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX).

About A Better Way. A Better Way is a bold policy agenda to address some of the country’s biggest challenges. It takes our timeless principles—liberty, free enterprise, consent of the governed—and applies them to the problems of our time. Developed with input from around the country, it starts the debate now on what we can achieve in 2017 and beyond. It is our vision for a Confident America, at home and abroad. Now we are taking these ideas to the people, so you have a clear choice about the direction of the country. Previously released plans include:

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