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Health Care

Adding Fuel to the Fire

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College affordability is increasingly on the minds of more and more Americans—particularly with students preparing to head off to college and a national election on the horizon. Unfortunately, as college costs continue to rise, one “solution” being discussed would only add fuel to the fire. According to research from the American Action Forum, expansions in federal tuition subsidies have been the ... Read more »

“Obamacare Is Unraveling”

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We’re now six years into the government takeover of health care, and the president’s unworkable health care law continues to unravel and create more hardship for working families. Stories across the country serve as a painful daily reminder of the broken promises surrounding this failed law. Promise: “This legislation will also lower costs for families and for businesses …” – President Obama Reali... Read more »

NLRB: Destroying Opportunity Since 2009

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The Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is always finding new ways to make it harder for workers to succeed. In recent years, there have been “ambush” elections and job-destroying micro-unions, diktats to private businesses on where to create jobs, and restrictions on the right to secret ballot elections. We could go on, and sadly, it looks like the NLRB is just getting warmed up. This wee... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Real-World Consequences of DOL’s Overtime Rule

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While families continue to struggle under an anemic economy, the Obama administration continues to advance the same-old failed policies that are holding workers and small businesses back. The latest example? An overtime rule the Department of Labor promises will cure years of stagnant wages that continue to hurt working families. Instead of addressing the underlying causes of slow job growth and a... Read more »

Federal Judge Halts Partisan Persuader Ploy

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WARNING: Content may be troubling for those who support the Department of Labor’s latest assault on the rights of workers and employers. Just months after the Obama administration finalized an extreme and partisan rule that will boost Big Labor at the expense of America’s workers and employers, a federal judge has blocked enforcement of the new regulatory scheme. Following an earlier decision by a... Read more »

5 Ways the Flawed Overtime Rule Will Do More Harm Than Good

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The Department of Labor has released a controversial new rule doubling the salary threshold under which employees qualify for overtime—a drastic change that President Obama is touting as a “win for working families.” When the White House claims a new regulatory scheme will be a “win” for workers—watch out. We’ve seen this sales pitch before, and it usually means they are about to hurt the very peo... Read more »

The 0.5% Economy

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President Obama spent the past few months taking a victory lap on the economy and trying to convince the American people that the country is on the right track. In fact, the president recently declared the economy is "pretty darn great” and any arguments to the contrary are just “fantasy.” But then came word that the economy is growing at its slowest rate in two years—an abysmal 0.5 percent—a trou... Read more »

The Administration’s Persuader Ploy

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For seven years, the Obama administration has pursued a concerted effort to advance the interests of union bosses at the expense of hardworking Americans. The latest ploy in this Big Labor agenda? A rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) that will undermine the rights of both workers and employers when it comes to union elections. This regulatory scheme—known as the “persuader rule”—imposes onero... Read more »

WaPo: People Will Lose Access to Retirement Advice

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In a recent editorial, the Washington Post recognizes the harmful effects of the administration’s “fiduciary” proposal. Writing on a rule crafted behind closed doors, the Washington Post confirms: The fiduciary rule would inevitably abolish some number of business relationships certain people might accept; instead of possibly conflicted, but still “suitable,” advice, they would get none, or perhap... Read more »

A Multi-Billion Dollar Shot in the Dark

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The Department of Labor has spent years crafting a regulatory proposal that would make it harder for low- and middle-income workers to plan and save for retirement. So some may be perplexed by a new effort underway at the department—one that’s hardly been noticed and casts fresh doubts over the department’s attempt to curtail access to affordable retirement advice. The department announced it woul... Read more »

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