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States Standing Up Against Taxpayer Funding of Abortion in ObamaCare

At the historic White House health care summit, Republican Leader John Boehner made it clear that ObamaCare would lead to taxpayer funding of abortion. In response, Speaker Pelosi declared “there is no public funding of abortion” in the bills that would become law.

Despite Speaker Pelosi’s bold assurance, some states aren’t convinced. According to Newsweek, the health care fight on Capitol Hill may be over, but “a new, state-level battle over abortion coverage has just begun.”

“A Missouri Senate panel responded quickly Monday to the passage of a federal health care overhaul by voting to expand a state ban on abortion coverage for basic health insurance policies… The federal bill says states can choose to exclude abortion coverage in plans offered through the new insurance exchanges. Missouri is moving quickly to do so.” (Bloomberg Business Week, “Mo. Senate panel backs abortion restrictions,” 3/22/2010)

“A strong bipartisan majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives voted to exercise its right to opt the state out of the abortion mandate in the new national health care reform law. The measure approved by the House forbids insurance companies receiving public subsidies in the state-run health exchange from offering or requiring abortion coverage.” (, “Tennessee House Strikes Blow to ObamaCare Abortion Coverage,” 4/13/2010)

“Keying off a provision in the recently enacted federal health care overhaul, the House Insurance Committee today voted to bar Louisiana insurers from including elective abortion coverage in any new policies they write.” (, “House panel votes to outlaw Louisiana insurers from covering elective abortion,” 4/14/2010)

Some states are rightly concerned that ObamaCare will lead to taxpayer-funded abortions. Now, states are standing up to protect taxpayers and the unborn.

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