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Committee Leaders Request Information on DOL's Regulatory Agenda


Dear Administrator Sunstein:

The Committee on Education and the Workforce is focused on supporting the nation's workforce and advancing policies that will help strengthen our economy. As part of this effort, the committee has conducted robust oversight to ensure federal agencies are held accountable for regulations that undermine innovation, job creation, and American competitiveness.

The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 requires federal agencies to publish in April and October regulatory agendas in the Federal Register describing economically significant regulatory actions being developed. We are concerned the Department of Labor’s (DOL) regulatory information is not being reported to Congress or the general public on a timely basis. For example, DOL’s Fall 2011 Unified Agenda was released in January 2012. Such regulatory uncertainty undermines employers, workers, and entrepreneurs’ abilities to hire, spend, and invest. It is critical this committee and the public have the ability to review DOL’s latest regulatory proposals.

To read the full letter, click here.

To read Administrator Sunstein's August 10th response, click here

To read a follow-up letter from committee leaders requesting a meeting with the Acting OMB Director on the administration's regulatory agenda, click here

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