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Chair Foxx Requests Text Messages Sent by Columbia University Administrators

As part of Columbia University’s recent reunion weekend, members of the university’s Jewish community discussed antisemitism in a panel on Jewish life on campus, during which university administrators reportedly exchanged disparaging text messages downplaying antisemitism. Following this new reporting, Foxx is demanding that the university produce these administrators’ text messages to the Committee.

WASHINGTON – Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) is continuing to demand accountability from higher education administrators who enable antisemitism on campuses.

As part of Columbia University’s recent reunion weekend, members of the university’s Jewish community discussed antisemitism in a panel on Jewish life on campus, during which university administrators reportedly exchanged disparaging text messages downplaying antisemitism. Following this new reporting, Foxx is demanding that the university produce these administrators’ text messages to the Committee:

“ I was appalled, but sadly not surprised, to learn Columbia administrators exchanged disparaging text messages during a panel that discussed antisemitism at the University. Dean Josef Sorrett’s weak private ‘apology’ to the College’s Board of Visitors shows that the school doesn’t get it. Columbia’s Jewish community deserves better than this. I have requested Columbia produce these administrators’ texts by June 26.”


The Committee has stood firm in support of Jewish students and consistently called for the administration of Columbia to take action against the pervasive antisemitism on its campus:

     On February 12, Chairwoman Foxx sent Columbia a document request regarding its response to antisemitism and failure to protect Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

     On February 29, Chairwoman Foxx held a roundtable with Jewish students on campus antisemitism, during which a Columbia student panelist stated, “Jew-hatred is so deeply embedded into campus culture, that it has become casual and palatable among students and faculty and neglected by administrators.”

     On April 17, Chairwoman Foxx convened a full Committee hearing with Columbia’s President and the co-chairs of its Board of Trustees to hold them accountable for the situation on their campus.

     On April 21, Chairwoman Foxx called on Columbia’s leaders to uphold their commitments before Congress, restore order and safety on their campus, and rectify the University’s failure to uphold its Title VI obligations.

     On April 24, Chairwoman Foxx accompanied Speaker Mike Johnson to see the chaos at Columbia University firsthand and met with Jewish students and Columbia’s leadership.


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