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Foxx Remarks at Roundtable with Jewish Students

Applauds Students’ Courage for Speaking Out

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) delivered the following remarks at a bipartisan roundtable with Jewish students from Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia, University of California, Berkeley, Rutgers, Stanford, Tulane, and Cooper Union about their experiences with antisemitism on campus:
“Since the horrific October 7 terrorist attack, we have seen an explosion of antisemitism on college campuses. Across the country, Jewish students have been harassed, assaulted, intimidated, and subjected to hostile environments.
“According to the Anti-Defamation League, 73 percent of Jewish college students experienced or witnessed antisemitism in the first few months of the 2023 school year. Since October 7th, fewer than half of Jewish students feel physically safe on campus, while a majority are uncomfortable with others on campus even knowing they are Jewish.
“This Committee will continue to hold universities accountable. Today, we will hear from nine students about the antisemitism they and their fellow students are experiencing and how their administrations are responding.
“I want to thank our student panelists: Shabbos Kestenbaum, Noah Rubin, Talia Khan, Eden Yadegar, Kevin Feigelis, Hannah Schlacter, Joe Gindi, Yasmeen Ohebsion, and Jacob Khalili for their participation. I applaud your leadership in combating antisemitism on your campuses and having the courage to speak out. Your testimonies will help inform the Committee’s ongoing investigation into antisemitism in postsecondary education.
“Even after December’s hearing, university leaders are still not correcting course. Let me be clear: This is not about policing speech or opinions, even if disagreeable or offensive. It is about protecting Jewish students from the harassment, threats, intimidation, and assaults plaguing their campuses—as universities are obligated to under Title VI but have repeatedly failed to do. That failure is unacceptable.”

Student Testimony: 

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