Education from early learning through the high school level, including but not limited to elementary and secondary
education, special education, homeless education, and migrant education; overseas dependent schools; career and
technical education; school safety and alcohol and drug abuse prevention; school lunch and child nutrition programs;
educational research and improvement including the Institute of Education Sciences; environmental education;
pre-service and in-service teacher professional development including Title II of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act and Title II of the Higher Education Act; early care and education programs including the Head Start
Act and the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act; adolescent development programs, including but not limited
to those providing for the care and treatment of certain at-risk youth, including the Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Act and the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act; and all matters dealing with child abuse and
domestic violence, including the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and child adoption.