Education and workforce development beyond the high school level, including but not limited to higher education
generally, postsecondary student assistance and employment services, and the Higher Education Act; Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972; all domestic volunteer programs; all programs related to the arts and humanities,
museum and library services, and arts and artifacts indemnity; postsecondary career and technical education,
apprenticeship programs, and workforce development, including the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,
vocational rehabilitation, and workforce development programs from immigration funding; science and technology
programs; adult basic education (family literacy); all welfare reform programs, including work incentive programs
and welfare-to-work requirements; poverty programs, including the Community Services Block Grant Act and the Low
Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); the Native American Programs Act; the Institute of Peace; and all
matters dealing with programs and services for the elderly including nutrition programs and the Older Americans Act.