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Full Committee Markup

September 11, 2024 - 10:15 AM
H.R. 5646, Stop Campus Hazing Act; H.R. 7233, Jenna Quinn Law of 2024; H.R. 736, PROTECT Kids Act; H.J. Res. 181, Congressional Review Act resolution to stop the Biden-Harris rule limiting access to Association Health Plans (AHPs); H.R. 3120, Healthy Competition for Better Care Act; H.R. 9457, Transparent Telehealth Bills Act of 2024
2175 Rayburn

Opening statement:
  • H.R. 5646Stop Campus Hazing Act
  • H.R. 7233Jenna Quinn Law of 2024 
  • H.R. 736PROTECT Kids Act
  • H.J. Res. 181Congressional Review Act resolution to stop the Biden-Harris rule limiting access to Association Health Plans (AHPs)
  • H.R. 3120Healthy Competition for Better Care Act
  • H.R. 9457Transparent Telehealth Bills Act of 2024

Amendments and Motions Offered:

Amdt HOLC ID Offered by Action/UC/Motion Vote Order Vote Total
H.R. 5646, the Stop Campus Hazing Act
HR5646ANS_01 Thompson Motion to Report 1 Passed; 28-2
H.R. 7233, Jenna Quinn Law of 2024
ANS7233_01 Moran Motion to Report 2 Passed; 33-0
SCOTVA_037 Scott Non-germane
H.R. 736, PROTECT Kids Act
H736ANS_02 Walberg Motion to Report 3 Passed; 22-12
H.J. Res. 181, CRA - DOL Rule on "Definition of 'Employer' -Association Health Plans"
H.J. Res. 181 4 Passed; 23-12
H.R. 3120, the Healthy Competition for Better Care Act
H3120-EW-AINS_01 Steel Motion to Report - passed by voice 5
H.R. 9457, Transparent Telehealth Bills Act of 2024
TELE-FACILITY-AINS_01 Bean Motion to Report 6 Passed; 34-0
H9457-MIN-AMD_01 Hayes Agreed to by voice vote

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