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McKeon Statement on Committee Passage of the GIVE Act

The U.S. House Education and Labor Committee today approved the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act (H.R. 1388), bipartisan legislation to improve accountability in national service programs including AmeriCorps.

“The GIVE Act includes important reforms to national service programs that allow neighbors to come together in service of individuals, communities, and our nation,” said Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the committee’s senior Republican.  “This bill includes powerful new safeguards to protect taxpayers by strengthening program accountability, establishing performance measures, and increasing competition to ensure the most efficient and effective investment in national service.”

McKeon has particularly championed greater inclusion of veterans in national service programs, as well as efforts to ensure programs are serving the families of military members, including those on active duty.

“Members of our military have chosen a career in service to our nation, and it’s no surprise that they are interested in service outside the military as well. That’s why I’m so pleased that we have added a Veterans Corps within the reorganization of programs in the GIVE Act,” said McKeon. “Participants in the Veterans Corps will also focus on supporting the families of service members and returning veterans by helping deployed members’ families and by promoting efforts in the community to serve the needs of veterans and active duty military members.”

The GIVE Act of 2009 updates legislation first proposed in the 110th Congress to reform national service programs. Republicans were able to secure a number of key reforms in the legislation, including: stronger accountability and outcome indicators; a greater emphasis on service for, and by, veterans; and steps to make it easier for smaller organizations, non-profits, and faith-based programs to participate.

To see a copy of Rep. McKeon’s full remarks delivered during today’s markup, please click here.

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