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McKeon Statement on House Passage of the GIVE Act

Following today’s bipartisan vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in favor of the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, the House Education Committee’s top Republican, issued the following statement:

“The American spirit is one of giving back – to our neighbors, our communities, and our nation. All across this country, citizens are devoting their time, skills, and resources to make our country a better place. And through the GIVE Act, we can nurture that spirit of selflessness, leveraging both individuals and organizations to achieve national goals.

“Republicans believe that any investment of taxpayer resources must be made wisely, and that’s why we have fought so hard to ensure strong safeguards against waste, fraud, and abuse in national service programs. The GIVE Act will protect taxpayers by strengthening program accountability, establishing performance measures, and increasing competition to ensure the most efficient and effective investment in national service.

“This bill includes an emphasis on service for, and by, veterans – those Americans who represent the very definition of service to one’s nation. It also improves service learning programs for youth, and it enhances opportunities for seniors to give back. Bipartisanship has been the guiding principle in this bill’s development, and the legislation is stronger for it. I look forward to strengthening the bill further and ensuring it stays true to worthwhile national goals as the bill proceeds.”

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