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Kline Blasts Democrats for Blocking Debate on Plan to Expand Green Job Training Opportunities

Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s Senior Republican Member, today harshly criticized congressional Democrats for blocking a House vote on a proposal that would expand job training opportunities for workers in energy efficiency and renewable energy professions. 

“Once again, Democrats have silenced the minority in an effort to cater to their special interest allies,” said Kline. “So much for the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history.” 

Kline crafted an amendment to the Democrats’ cap-and-trade energy bill that would have opened energy-oriented training initiatives to a broader range of employers and training partners. Since 2007, federal law has discriminated against organizations wishing to participate in these green job training programs by requiring that funds only be provided to partnerships with union organizations. 

In testimony submitted to the House Rules Committee – the body that determines whether amendments will receive a vote on the House floor – Kline pointed out that the current limitation effectively excludes 86 percent of the private sector construction workforce from green job training programs. 

“My amendment is an effort to create a more open, inclusive, and accessible green job training system that will enable all Americans to help rebuild our economy together,” explained Kline. 

Democrats on the House Rules Committee are allowing just two of the 224 amendments offered by Members of Congress to receive a vote when the House begins debate on the Democrats’ national energy tax later today. 

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