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Kline Statement on June Employment Report

Top Republican on House Education and Labor Committee Asks: “Where are the Jobs?”

The U.S. Department of Labor reported this morning a loss of 467,000 jobs in the month of June, bringing the unemployment rate to 9.5 percent, its highest level in more than a quarter-century. Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the House Education and Labor Committee’s Senior Republican Member, issued the following statement:


“Today’s employment report is a somber reminder that American families are hurting; it’s also a clear sign that Washington’s culture of taxing, borrowing, and spending is doing nothing to stem the tide of lost jobs and economic uncertainty. Democrats demanded nearly a trillion dollars in so-called economic stimulus spending with a promise that jobs would be created, unemployment would stop rising, and the effects would be immediate. Nearly five months later, it’s time to ask: Where are the jobs?

“It’s time for Democrats to acknowledge that spending more, taxing more, and borrowing more are failing to jumpstart our economy. Indeed, with higher job losses this month than last, these policies appear to be making things worse. Republicans have offered a series of proposals this year to create jobs, make health care more affordable and accessible, and secure our energy future. It’s time for Democrats to abandon their partisan agenda and embrace commonsense policies that will grow the economy and help American families.”

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