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Kline Reiterates Opposition to Job Killing Employee Free Choice Act

Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the top Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement this afternoon in response to reports that compromise proposals are being developed to engineer passage of the Employee Free Choice Act:

“The so-called Employee Free Choice Act was a bad bill when it was introduced in March, and it’s still a bad bill today. Proposals that restrict secret ballot elections, enforce the law unevenly, or empower government bureaucrats to write workers’ contracts are completely unacceptable and will continue to be met with unwavering resistance. EFCA has the potential to destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs, an economic consequence our nation cannot afford.

“This afternoon the President reiterated his support for this flawed proposal, and its backers in Congress continue to pursue alternatives that – if not eliminating the secret ballot entirely – would rig workplace elections to orchestrate their desired result. The American people must continue to stand up against these undemocratic proposals – I certainly will.”

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