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Labor Secretary to Make First Appearance Before House Labor Committee

Republicans Will Ask: “Where are the Jobs?”

With the national unemployment rate hovering at 10 percent, President Obama’s Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, is scheduled tomorrow to make her first ever appearance before the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee. More than two months ago, the panel’s Republican members called for Secretary Solis to come before the committee to answer questions about rising unemployment and erroneous job creation data propagated by the Administration.


“It has been nearly a year since the so-called stimulus was signed into law. Since then, both the unemployment rate and the federal deficit have ballooned, while the American people are left to ask, ‘where are the jobs?’” said Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the committee’s senior Republican. “We know it is American enterprise and ingenuity – not the federal government – that creates jobs. Yet this Administration continues to pursue an agenda of government expansion that threatens the economic recovery our workforce so desperately needs.” 

Republicans have regularly highlighted concerns about the job-killing policies embraced by Washington Democrats, from the anti-worker card check scheme for union expansion to massive new taxes and penalties on small businesses and working Americans to pay for the government takeover of health care. 

“In President Obama’s State of the Union address, he said ‘jobs must be our number one focus in 2010.’ If Democrats are serious about putting Americans back to work, they need to immediately abandon their special interest agenda and take steps to ease the economic uncertainty that is stifling job creation,” said Kline. 

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