Motives Revealed: Special Interest Threats Behind Plan to Tear Scholarships from Low-Income Children
March 19, 2009
Alexa Marrero
((202) 225-4527)
Without much fanfare, Democrats in Congress have quietly set in motion a plan that the Washington Post has described as “an ill-disguised bid to kill a program that gives some poor parents a choice regarding where their children go to school.”
Through a little-noticed provision tucked in the FY 2009 omnibus spending bill – a $410 billion monstrosity that funds everything from the United States Secret Service to international fisheries commissions – opponents of parental choice in education have seen to it that nearly 1,700 children in the nation’s capital are likely to be forced out of the private schools they currently attend and back into dangerous, academically-underperforming schools that are universally viewed as some of the worst in the nation. It has been said that you should never judge a man’s actions until you know his motives. That’s what makes a recent letter from the National Education Association so illuminating. Sent earlier this month solely to congressional Democrats, the letter includes a not very subtle threat of political retribution against members who would dare to support an educational escape hatch for children trapped in underperforming schools. It also makes clear the expected quid pro quo – we help you win elections, you help us dismantle parental choice in education.
“Letter to the Democrats in the House and Senate on DC Vouchers,” 03.05.09