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Even Democrat-on-Democrat Infighting Not Enough to Slow Frantic Government Takeover of Health Care

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 14, 2009 | Alexa Marrero ((202) 225-4527)
As House Democrats prepare to unveil controversial legislation to orchestrate a federal takeover of our nation’s health care system, divisions among their ranks appear to be growing. The Wall Street Journal reports on the Democrat-on-Democrat infighting this morning:  


“The effort to pass a health-care overhaul is being frustrated by divisions among Democrats over a wide range of issues, from how to pay for the measure to its impacts on small business and rural areas. …

“Late last week, more than 35 moderate Democrats raised their concerns with Mrs. Pelosi, writing in a letter that the measure didn't do enough to shield small businesses from higher costs and urged steps be taken to increase payments for health-care providers in rural areas. The lawmakers said ‘significant progress’ would be needed on those issues. ‘We cannot support a final product that fails to do so,’ they said. Similar complications are blocking progress on companion measures in the Senate.

“In the House, Democratic leaders are considering financing the $1 trillion, 10-year legislation with cuts to Medicare providers, and new taxes on households with adjusted gross incomes over $350,000.”

Greg Hitt and Laura Meckler, “Discord Hinders Health Bill,” The Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2009 

Between the massive new tax on small businesses and the expectation that 114 million Americans will lose their current health care coverage, it’s no wonder rank-and-file Democrats aren’t prepared to line up behind their leaders’ partisan health care power grab.

The question is, will Democratic divisions be enough to slow down the breakneck pace of this misguided legislation? Or will Democratic leaders insist on their arbitrary timeline that would rush a bill through the House before the end of the month? Isn’t health care reform important enough for a thoughtful debate? What’s the rush?

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