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Committee Statements

Guthrie Statement: Hearing on “New Innovations and Best Practices Under the Workforce

Our country continues to face tough economic challenges. We face complex and difficult problems as we work to restore economic growth. Investing in our workforce is important to ensure that workers are adequately prepared to meet the changing demands of our economy. With the proper investment, our workforce can be strengthened and maintain its competitive advantage.

Education, including adult education and family literacy programs, will be a critical component of ensuring that individuals have the basic skills needed to move up the economic ladder to better paying jobs or a higher education.

Today, there are some 5,000 federally-sponsored adult education centers across the country. These centers are located in schools, community centers, libraries, public housing, community colleges, and volunteer organizations, both public and private, for-profit and non-profit.

As we work to improve the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of the Workforce Investment Act, we must remain focused on improving the quality of instruction, promoting the use of new technologies, and encouraging the business community to co-invest in the skills of the local workforce.

I look forward to today’s testimony and learning more of the best practices and innovative ideas from around the country as we work to improve this aspect of the Workforce Investment Act.


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