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Democrats Learn No Lessons from Failed Stimulus Policies

After directing a trillion dollars toward failed economic policies, Democrats are coming back for more with a $100 billion spending package eerily similar to last year’s stimulus bill. Billions in borrowed dollars would be directed to state and local governments to cover their budget deficits – saddling future generations with even more debt for a policy that has already failed to bring about lasting job creation.

“Democrats in Washington are wildly out of touch with the American people. There’s no other explanation for their plan to spend another $100 billion we do not have on an initiative that will not promote lasting economic recovery and growth,” said Rep. John Kline (R-MN), senior Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. “Keeping states and local communities dependent on the federal government while ignoring private sector job creation will only exacerbate our long-term economic challenges. State governments will never be able to cover their budget deficits if families in their communities are kept out of the job market. Our children and grandchildren simply cannot afford another unaccountable federal spending binge.”

“Chairman Miller and the Democrat leadership apparently are convinced that Washington is operating with Monopoly money. After a year of funneling huge sums of borrowed cash to the states, Democrats are serving up yet another bailout for local governments. Where does it end? Spending more money that we simply don’t have just to bolster government payrolls defies all economic logic and brings us no closer to sustainable job growth. Rather than further burying our kids and grandkids in debt, we need to focus on principled solutions that will create private sector jobs,” said Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Senior Republican.

NOTE: Republicans have offered a no-cost jobs plan that would put more Americans back to work without raising taxes or piling more debt onto future generations.


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