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Kline Backs Plan to Repeal Job-Killing ObamaCare

Rep. John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement today regarding legislation he and other House Republicans are proposing to repeal the Democrats’ government takeover of health care:

“Republicans are fulfilling our pledge to take up legislation that will repeal and replace the Democrats’ job-killing health care law. For more than a year Washington pursued a government takeover of health care despite rising unemployment, unsustainable federal deficits, and overwhelming public opposition. The new Congress will make job creation and fiscal responsibility top priorities, and repealing ObamaCare is an important part of our efforts.

“It has been less than a year since President Obama signed his massive health care proposal into law, and already the federal bureaucracy has written more than 4,100 pages of rules and regulations to enforce it. Looming on the horizon is a mandate that requires all employers to provide government-approved health care or pay a penalty. And already, onerous bureaucratic rules and intrusive government mandates are contributing to economic uncertainty and keeping job creators on the sidelines.

“Democrats have devised a false choice designed to mislead the American people into believing we cannot achieve commonsense health care reform without a massive government takeover. By repealing this law, we can make way for meaningful reforms to bring down costs, expand access to quality health care, and protect the doctor-patient relationship.”

NOTE: To view the proposal, please click here.


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