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Kline, Roe Press NLRB Leaders on Spending Cuts

U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN), and Subcommittee on Health, Labor, Employment, and Pensions Chairman Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) today released a letter sent to leaders of the National Labor Relations Board in response to their concerns about the House Republican budget plan that would reduce government spending by more than $100 billion.

“The American people have demanded Washington take immediate action to get our fiscal house in order,” said Chairman Kline.  "It is unacceptable to allow this unsustainable federal spending binge to continue on auto pilot, forcing our children and grandchildren to foot the bill.   It’s time to make the tough choices necessary to cut spending - and everything is on the table as we work to institute a responsible budget. I look forward to receiving greater detail from the NLRB about how they intend to adjust to the difficult fiscal realities the nation faces.”

“At a time of high unemployment, every agency, department, and board of the federal government must set its own agenda aside and work toward accomplishing the agenda mandated by the American people – getting this economy back on track and getting the unemployed back to work,” said Representative Roe.  “This includes the evaluation of NLRB’s budget. Since tough questions need to be asked and tough choices need to be made, it’s essential we make informed decisions and not use inflammatory rhetoric.  It’s the only way we can begin to clean up the fiscal disaster that is before us today.”

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