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Press Releases

Kline: Time to Remove Old Barriers to New Job Growth

U.S. House Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement on the release of the latest unemployment data:

“Despite traces of progress, the latest jobs report from the Department of Labor illustrates our economy is still struggling to create the jobs necessary to put our nation back on the path to prosperity. It’s past time to get Washington’s spending addiction under control and provide employers the certainty they need to hire new workers and grow their businesses. The American people have demanded a new way forward, one in which fiscal responsibility takes center stage. The passage of the Budget Control Act was a step in the right direction, but it is not enough. Republicans have put forward a Plan for America’s Job Creators that will cut spending and remove old barriers to new job growth, and I urge the President and Democrat leaders to join us in our efforts.”

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