More Broken Promises, Fuzzy Math from Obama Administration
October 7, 2011
Almost immediately after releasing a new report that claims the president’s latest stimulus proposal will “support nearly 400,000 education jobs,” administration officials tried to downplay promises of lasting job creation.
According to Wednesday’s Daily Caller article, “White House promises, then retracts, 400,000 teachers”: But administration officials quickly backtracked on the 400,000 number once they were quizzed by reporters during the press conference.
The money would only support 400,000 teachers for one year, leaving state and local government to pick up the tab every subsequent year, admitted Katharine Abraham, a member of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. It’s no surprise the president’s advisors are trying to back away from quantifying the success of their temporary stimulus schemes. After all, the American people have heard this spiel before:
It’s difficult to keep your promise when it is based on a flawed approach to the nation’s economy and schools. If money alone could improve the quality of our classrooms, America would long ago have overcome our education challenges, erased achievement gaps, and guaranteed opportunities for every student. The reality is, simply funding the status quo will not help states overcome their budget challenges or improve education for our children. Yet that is exactly what the president claims his latest stimulus package will do.
After two years of failed stimulus measures and broken promises, the president has again come to Congress and the American people to request even more money under the false pretense of propping up our economy and preventing teacher layoffs. It’s time to change direction. Another multi-billion dollar teachers’ union bailout won’t create permanent jobs, won’t improve education, and won’t balance state budgets. # # # |