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Committee Approves Additional Reforms to Rein in an Activist NLRB

H.R. 3094 protects employers' free speech and workers' free choice

Today, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act (H.R. 3094), legislation to help roll back the activist agenda of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and reaffirm important protections for workers and employers. The legislation was passed by the committee by a vote of 23 to 16.

“We can’t wait for Democrats in Washington to wake up to the fact that the NLRB’s actions are wreaking havoc on American workplaces,” said Chairman Kline. “By crippling important rights employees and employers have enjoyed for decades, the Obama board is creating uncertainty and undermining an employer’s ability to hire new workers. I am pleased the Education and the Workforce Committee today took a concrete step toward putting a stop to the board’s destructive agenda.”

"The Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act is critical legislation that reaffirms long-standing workforce protections,” continued Chairman Kline. “Under our bill, employers have the time they need to prepare for a union election and communicate with their employees. And workers are provided the resources necessary to make a fully informed decision about union representation. It is unfortunate that not one Democrat was willing to stand  up for workers and oppose the extreme agenda of Big Labor. House Republicans will continue to hold the NLRB accountable by pursuing positive reforms that strengthen our workforce.”

The Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act will:
  • Ensure employers are able to participate in a fair union election process;   
  • Guarantee workers have the ability to make a fully informed decision in a union election; 
  • Reinstate the traditional standard for determining which employees will vote in the union election; and
  • Safeguard privacy by allowing workers to decide the type of personal information provided to a union.

H.R. 3094 is part of the House Republican jobs agenda, aimed at removing regulatory hurdles to job creation. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has expressed his intent to bring the legislation before the full House this winter.

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