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Members Urge DOD to Practice Fair Recruiting Practices

Dear Secretary Panetta:

The FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 112-81) includes a provision (Section 532) to ensure "covered graduates" are given the same opportunity to enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces as traditional high school graduates, commonly called Tier I recruits. The law clearly defines covered graduates as any student who receives a diploma from a secondary school legally operating or otherwise completes a program of secondary education in compliance with the education laws of the state in which the person resides, including graduates of online charter schools and home schools. The intent of the provision is to provide qualified nontraditional graduates in the Tier II category with the same eligibility status as traditional Tier I graduates. The provision clearly states that the covered recruits shall be treated equal to Tier I recruits, and the department shall make no distinction between these graduates. 

We recognize the department believes it has properly interpreted and implemented the law, as illustrated in its recent responses to Chairman John Kline's and Rep. Duncan Hunter's letter on this topic. However, we disagree with the department's interpretation and believe the new policy continues to put nontraditional students at a disadvantage.

To read the full letter, click here

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