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Just the Facts

Just the Facts: The SKILLS Act Encourages Local Control, Flexibility

Right now the House Education and the Workforce Committee is considering the SKILLS Act (H.R. 803), a commonsense proposal to reform the nation’s broken job training system and help put Americans back to work.

Opponents of the SKILLS Act claim the proposal will prevent key stakeholders from participating in the workforce development system. However, a quick look at the facts helps set the record straight:

FACT: Under the existing workforce development system, 19 federal mandates governing workforce board representation have diminished the ability of job creators and other key stakeholders to play a leading role in workforce development decisions.

FACT: The SKILLS Act eliminates these mandates and establishes a two-thirds majority of employers.

FACT: H.R. 803 provides locally elected officials more autonomy over board membership. Local officials can appoint the people they believe will best represent the workforce, such as community college leaders or union representatives.

FACT: By strengthening the role of job creators and state and local leaders, the SKILLS Act will help ensure the workforce training system is better able to adapt to the changing needs of today’s economy. 

To learn more about the committee’s efforts to reform the nation’s workforce development system, visit

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