Winter may be over, but more dark days are await the Democrats’ health care law. Contrary to the Obama administration’s
promises, headlines suggest more tough times lie ahead as the nation grapples with the consequences of ObamaCare:
Health care costs on the rise
Medical claims costs – the biggest driver of health insurance premiums – will jump an average 32% for Americans' individual polices under the Affordable Care Act health care law…the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers. – Associated Press
Part-time state workers see hours cut
This comes as the Commonwealth of Virginia begins to implement President Obama’s Healthcare law which mandates any employee working over 30 hours a week be eligible for health benefits…part-time workers are now required to work no more than 29 hour work weeks – even though some have worked over 40 hour weeks for years. – WTVR
Fewer health care options for small business employees
Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, the Obama administration is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees…in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. – New York Times
More concern for small business job creators
A majority of small businesses say the healthcare law is their biggest concern, finally eclipsing their long-held worry over economic uncertainty. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s latest quarterly small-business survey finds that 77 percent say the Affordable Care Act will make coverage for their employees more expensive, while 71 percent say it will be harder to hire more employees under the law. – The Hill
Some of the law’s greatest proponents are finally accepting the realities of ObamaCare. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently admitted Americans will see higher costs as a result of the health care law.
As troubling as these headlines are, the news may only get worse. In an effort to better prepare Americans for what to expect next, the House Education and the Workforce Committee has asked the administration to examine how the law will affect workers’ wages. Unfortunately, the committee has not received a response. Perhaps the Obama administration thinks we’ve heard enough bad news for one week.
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