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***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Subcommittee to Examine the Older Americans Act

On Tuesday, February 11 at 10:00 a.m., the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), will hold a hearing entitled, “Serving Seniors Through the Older Americans Act.” The hearing will take place in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the major federal statute governing the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services for elderly Americans.  Since its inception in 1965, OAA has provided a wide range of assistance to seniors, including transportation, nutrition services such as “Meals on Wheels,” and referral to home care, health, and social services.

Tuesday’s hearing will provide members an opportunity to examine the programs and services provided under OAA and discuss priorities for reauthorization. To learn more about the hearing, visit /hearings.


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Ms. Carol V. O’Shaughnessy
Principal Policy Analyst
National Health Policy Forum
Washington, D.C.

Ms. Lynn Kellogg
Chief Executive Officer
Region IV Area Agency on Aging
St. Joseph, Michigan

Dr. Yanira Cruz
President and CEO
National Hispanic Council on Aging
Washington, D.C.

Ms. Denise Niese
Executive Director
Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc.
Bowling Green, Ohio

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