Celebrating Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
July 22, 2015
One year ago today, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is designed to help put Americans back to work by updating and reforming the nation’s broken job training system. As Chairman John Kline (R-MN) said when the law was enacted: We rejected petty politics and put the best interests of working families first. Now we have a new law that will protect taxpayers and help put more Americans back to work. The American people deserve to see more of these bipartisan accomplishments. It is time to get back to work and find other areas of common ground that will help expand opportunity and prosperity for working families. Enjoying widespread support in both chambers of Congress, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act provides the American people the workforce development system they deserve by:
Praising the bipartisan accomplishment, Congressional leaders agreed passing WIOA:
By establishing a system that prepares individuals for the 21st century workforce, WIOA will help put Americans back to work and make it easier for employers to find the skilled employees they need. As our economy struggles to recover, we must continue to look for opportunities to develop policies that will promote economic growth and prosperity. Improving K-12 education would be a good next step. # # # |