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Left Turns

Clinton’s Reality Check

Republicans have long warned of the harmful consequences of ObamaCare – consequences that include higher costs, less access to trusted health care providers, and fewer full-time jobs. After years of living in denial, it seems some leading Democrats are starting to face reality.
At a recent event in Iowa, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton volunteered one reason for the disturbing trend of part-time jobs replacing full-time work: ObamaCare. According to the Daily Caller, Secretary Clinton went on to say: 

“You know, we’ve got to change that,” Clinton continued, “because we have built in some unfortunate incentives that discourage full-time employment.”
“So there is a disincentive within our system that we need to deal with. I’m really worried about it because there’s a trend to try to move more and more people to part-time work.”

Of course, this is what employers, education officials, labor leaders, and nonpartisan budget experts have been saying for some time now. Leading Democrats, on the other hand, have routinely brushed off these concerns. Former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius even described this unfolding reality as “speculation.”
As far as “changing” such “unfortunate incentives,” the House is continuing this week an effort to dismantle the president’s harmful health care law, and that effort will resume when Congress reconvenes early next year. As Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) has said:

ObamaCare is wreaking havoc on working families, schools, and small businesses. It is our responsibility to use every tool we have to dismantle the president’s flawed health care scheme.

Secretary Clinton can admit the health care law is flawed. She can acknowledge changes need to be made. But when will she and other leading Democrats realize it needs to be replaced?

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