Ending the Cycle of Poverty“So many opportunities have been given to me and I want to create the same for children just like me”
February 4, 2016
Life changing – that’s how Denisha Merriweather described the impact of school choice on her life. Denisha shared her personal story yesterday at a hearing where members discussed the many ways school choice helps students escape underperforming schools and access a quality education. Because Denisha took advantage of the school choice options available in her state, she is the first person in her family to graduate from high school and college. And in 2017, she will also be the first in her family to receive a Master’s degree.
As Denisha explains in the video below, without the power of school choice, her life would have turned out quite differently.
Denisha’s inspiring story – and millions of stories just like hers – is exactly why the Every Student Succeeds Act includes reforms that expand school choice. From increasing access to quality charter schools and magnet schools to launching a pilot program that will encourage excellent schools to enroll harder-to-serve students, the law will help extend the promise of school choice to moms, dads, and children across the country. # # # |