Congressional Intent
February 25, 2016
At a hearing on the Every Student Succeeds Act, members of the Committee on Education and the Workforce questioned Acting Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. about how the Department of Education plans to implement the law in a manner consistent with the letter and intent of the law. Chairman John Kline (R-MN) asked Dr. King if he would commit to faithfully follow the law, regardless of his own personal views and priorities.
We understand implementing a new law is complicated business and there will be areas with questions and uncertainty. But there should never be any question as to what Congress intended when it wrote the law. Again, the State and Local ESSA Implementation Network recently wrote, “ESSA is clear: Education decision-making now rests with states and districts, and the federal role is to support and inform those decisions.” In fact, I think it’s clear that any honest observer would reach the same conclusion. To view the video, click here. To learn more about the Every Student Succeeds Act, visit # # # |