Kline Questions Burwell on Early Childhood Development, ESSA Implementation
March 15, 2016
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell testified before the Committee on Education and the Workforce at a hearing to examine a number of the department’s policies and responsibilities, including early childhood development. During his opening remarks, Chairman John Kline (R-MN) discussed reforms in the Every Student Succeeds Act that transfer the existing Preschool Development Grants program from the Department of Education to HHS. Chairman Kline noted the congressional intent behind these reforms and asked Secretary Burwell how she will ensure they are followed.
We just passed and the president signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act. The act now authorizes a preexisting program known as the Preschool Development Grants program. Your department now has the lead in that under the law ... Congress specifically limited federal interference in state early childhood systems to maximize state and local control over the improvement or development of their early childhood systems. To view a video of the exchange, click here. For more information about the hearing, click here. # # # |