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Career and Technical Education Can Outsmart the Skills Gap

Hardworking Americans across the country search every day for a good-paying job that will lead them to a successful career and prosperous life. Presently, the American workforce faces a shortage of 6 million skilled workers – a number expected to reach 11 million by 2022. The Committee on Education and the Workforce has been working throughout this Congress to address the ever-growing skills gap that will put the American economy at a disadvantage if Americans do not gain the skills they need to succeed in the current workforce.

Earn-and-learn opportunities provided through career and technical education can provide students with the chance to learn the skills they need to succeed through working with businesses large and small that can eventually lead to good-paying jobs.

Stories from across the country have shown that career and technical education is working to help close the skills gap, and provide students with earn-and-learn opportunities that can lead to a good-paying job after they have completed their education. 

Take a closer look at the success of career and technical education and the importance for the Senate to pass the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 2353), which passed the House unanimously this Congress:

Click here to watch the full video from Results for America.

At a Glance: H.R. 2353 – The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

• Empowers state and local community leaders with more flexibility.

• Improves alignment with in-demand jobs by supporting innovative learning opportunities, building better community partnerships, and encouraging stronger engagement with employers.

• Increases transparency and accountability by streamlining performance measures to ensure CTE programs deliver results

• Ensures a limited federal role by reining in the secretary of education’s authority.

• Passed unanimously by the House, awaiting action in the Senate.

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