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Committee Members Urge NLRB to Continue Positive Reforms

The Committee on Education and the Workforce today sent a letter to Chairman John Ring of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) lauding the Board’s work to restore the commonsense application of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) in its recent rulings.

Members of the Committee on Education and the Workforce today sent a letter to Chairman John Ring of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) lauding the Board’s work to restore a commonsense application of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) in its recent rulings. The letter noted how under the Obama administration, the NLRB imposed heavy and costly regulatory burdens on local businesses and job creators. Republican Members of the Committee praised the new Board’s ongoing efforts to reestablish the workplace rights of employees and employers while strengthening national job creation and economic growth. The letter read in part:

“Under the previous administration, the Board overturned more than 4,500 years of cumulative precedent. The Board’s deliberative process will undoubtedly require time to restore balance to the agency’s jurisprudence, but already, in the face of significant challenges, recent NLRB actions have helped improve our nation’s economic and business climate.”

Committee Members concluded:

“We understand that the Board plays a vital role in protecting the rights of workers and employers. We commend you for your leadership of the Board to date, and we urge you and your fellow Board members to continue your determined pursuit of a legal and regulatory environment that works better for all employees and employers, ensuring that the U.S. economy remains an engine of growth, opportunity, and prosperity for all Americans.”

Background: The Trump administration NLRB, under the leadership of Chairman John Ring and former Chairman Philip A. Miscimarra, has overturned many of the Board’s extreme and partisan rulings that originated during the Obama administration. Restoring fairness and balance to the NLRB has been a priority for Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx, and Committee Members will continue to encourage the Board’s ongoing efforts to protect America’s employees and employers alike.

To read Committee Members’ letter to Chairman Ring, click here.

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