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National School Choice Week: “Every student deserves an excellent education…”

National School Choice Week: “Every student deserves an excellent education…”

Click here to watch the video online.

Remarks as delivered:

“Thank you, Madam Speaker.

“This week, I am delighted to celebrate the promise of school choice alongside thousands of teachers, students, and their families.

“Every student deserves an excellent education, and school choice empowers parents to choose the right education for their children. Through school choice, all students have increased access to charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, homeschooling, and other innovative programs designed to help students achieve their goals.

“When we passed the
Every Student Succeeds Act, we advanced reforms to widen the reach of school choice and empower families and communities.

“I am proud of these accomplishments, and I look forward to continuing the work to protect and expand school choice and help students succeed.

“I yield back, Madam Speaker.”

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