Committee Republicans Support Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts
January 30, 2019
Committee Republicans today submitted comments to the Department of Education in response to proposed regulations under Title IX to prevent sexual assaults and provide greater clarity to educational institutions on how to respond to allegations of sexual harassment.
Committee Republicans today submitted comments to the Department of Education in response to proposed regulations under Title IX to prevent sexual assaults and provide greater clarity to educational institutions on how to respond to allegations of sexual harassment. The letter, signed by Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Republican subcommittee leaders Rep. James Comer (R-KY) of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Resources, Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA) of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, and Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment, read in part: “Overall, we applaud the Department’s thoughtful proposal that puts the safety of sexual assault survivors first while creating objective and fair standards for the adjudication of complaints. We also applaud the Department for addressing these issues through a formal regulatory process with public notice and comment. We encourage the Department to thoughtfully consider the comments received and ensure the final regulations provide the clarity schools need to provide safe learning environments for all students.” Background: During the Obama administration, President Obama “ruled by letter” on many serious issues, including how educational institutions should address sexual harassment and sexual assault under Title IX. This created a confusing legal landscape, doing further harm to sexual assault survivors and violating the due-process rights of the accused. In contrast, Secretary DeVos has returned to a formalized rulemaking process subject to public review and comment to ensure the new rules and regulations are transparent and meet the needs of all students and institutions. # # # |