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Committee Republicans Request Hearing on “Medicare-for-All”

Today, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Republican Leader of the Committee on Education and Labor, and 20 Republican Committee Members sent a letter to Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor, and Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, to request a full committee hearing on H.R. 1384, a bill to establish “Medicare-for-All,” the one-size-fits-all bureaucratic health care system.

The letter read in part:

“Congressional Democrats made Medicare-for-All proposals a key issue in the recent midterm elections and continue to promote it as a cornerstone of the House Democrat legislative agenda. Education and Labor Committee Members have led the way in writing and promoting this bill, as H.R. 1384 was introduced by a member of this Committee and is co-sponsored by key leaders of this Committee, including both of you. A hearing in this Committee would allow key questions to be asked about exactly how Medicare-for-All would improve quality, promote innovation, lower costs, or expand options.”  

Background: Congressional Democrats have made mandating Medicare-for-All a top priority. Under the Democrats’ proposal, Medicare would be extended to cover 40 million more people while no steps would be taken to address the program's long-term financial stability. Instead of focusing on reforms that would lower costs, improve access, and increase free-market choices, the Medicare-for-All scheme created by H.R. 1384 would strip workers and families of the right to choose their own health coverage and would concentrate decision-making power in the hands of bureaucrats.

To read the letter, click here

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