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ICYMI: Union Boss Threatens Lawmakers Ahead of Labor Vote

On the eve of a vote on the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka threatened lawmakers to either vote yes on the PRO Act, or they’ll face consequences from Big Labor:

“Those who would oppose, delay or derail this legislation, do not ask us — do not ask the labor movement — for a dollar or a door knock,” Trumka said. “We won’t be coming.”

Unfortunately, Mr. Trumka’s threatening and intimidating comments do not come as a surprise. In May 2019, he testified before the Education and Labor Committee and argued that unions need workers’ personal information because “it is essential to be able to communicate with them….We may have to meet with them at a grocery store, any place else where you can get them. The most efficient place, the best place for them to be able to talk is at their home setting, at their home, so that you can have a real conversation with them.”
The PRO Act’s own supporters admit unions will harass workers at their own homes, at work, and at the grocery store. Yet Democrats are trying to save face, claiming this bill expands and protects workers’ rights.
Don’t let union bosses like Richard Trumka fool you. The PRO Act is bad for workers, job creators, and the U.S. economy.
Big Labor—and the Democrats who have their support—want to use the power of government to further consolidate control, coerce workers, and bolster their personal agendas at the expense of the rights of workers and small business owners.
Learn more about the #PROUnionBosses Act here.


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