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Thanksgiving Roundup: Policies @EdLaborGOP is Thankful For

2020 has been a year of adversity. The strength of communities, businesses, and families alike have been tested in ways unseen before because of the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve witnessed frontline workers, job creators, and local community members step up in extraordinary ways to help our country heal.
Throughout these difficult times, Committee Republicans remain committed to helping workersjob creatorsstudents, and families overcome obstacles the pandemic has imposed. As we reflect during this Thanksgiving week, here are a few policies Committee Republicans are especially thankful for:
Job Creating Programs
Millions of workers will need reskilling due to pandemic-related job loss and displacement. Committee Republicans and the Trump administration are paving the way for growth in the apprenticeship space, connecting countless workers with fulfilling careers.
Most notably, the Department of Labor spearheaded the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program (IRAPs) initiative to give employers the flexibility to shape apprenticeship programs that will attract workers and prepare them for the 21st century. In the face of pandemic-related disruptions, IRAP’s will allow job creators the freedom to break away from the Washington-knows-best mold and create apprenticeship programs that meet the unique needs of their employees.
Workers’ Freedom
Independent contracting, including innovations achieved through the sharing economy, has provided an important source of income and opportunity to millions of Americans. This business model is now more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis.
In a timely move, President Trump’s NLRB has proposed a rule that will update the standard for determining independent contractor status. This rule will create clarity and increase opportunity for entrepreneurs and workers alike and will allow more American workers the opportunity to pursue the American Dream.
Supporting Students 
This pandemic has impacted students in unprecedented ways. Many schools have shifted entirely to remote learning, leaving families to juggle their jobs and fill the role of teacher while virtual learning becomes the norm.
From urging USDA to give schools the flexibility they need to feed students during COVID-19 to supporting efforts to safely reopen schools, Committee Republicans are working to put students first.
Moving forward, Committee Republicans will continue to advocate for a family’s right to choose an education that works best for their child and for schools to safely reopen for the sake of children’s mental and physical health. Equally important is allowing businesses to reopen without fear of retribution from trial lawyers and overzealous government regulators. Bottom line, Committee Republicans will continue to advance pro-growth policies that empower every American to achieve success.
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