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Foxx Statement on Biden Labor Secretary Nominee

Today, Republican Leader of the Committee on Education and Labor, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), issued the following statement after press reports that President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Marty Walsh to serve as the next Secretary of Labor:
“As our nation continues to recover from COVID-19, American workers and job creators need a Secretary of Labor who will support free-enterprise and bolster efforts to return our economy to its pre-pandemic prosperity. Unfortunately, President-elect Biden’s nomination of Marty Walsh to lead the Department of Labor raises significant concerns about the federal government’s role in shaping the future of our evolving workforce.
“House Democrats have consistently proven their commitment to special interests like Big Labor bosses and trial lawyers in advancing radical policies that hurt workers and job creators alike. Marty Walsh’s background in organized labor signals that he will work to deliver on left-wing campaign promises including a $15 mandated minimum wage, punitive one-size-fits-all regulations, forced unionization of small businesses, and eliminating the independent contractor model, among many others. I have serious concerns that the Department of Labor under Walsh will crush our economic recovery by strangling business owners with an onslaught of job-killing regulations and vindictive and overzealous oversight. America’s workers, families and small businesses deserve better.”


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