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A Bipartisan Effort to Prevent and Treat Child Abuse

A bipartisan group of Education and Labor Committee Members introduced legislation today to strengthen federal efforts to prevent and treat the harmful impacts of child abuse. The Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (Stronger CAPTA) includes bold, bipartisan reforms that will help states combat the uptick in child abuse and neglect.

The four Republican co-sponsors are Rep. James Comer (KY-01), Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD-at-Large), Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21), and Ranking Member Virginia Foxx (NC-05). Following the bill’s introduction, the members issued these statements:

Rep. Comer: “By providing resources to states and communities to protect children from abuse and neglect, the Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act will play a critically important role in tackling the scourge of child abuse across America. I’m proud to be the lead Republican sponsor of this effort to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our society.”

Rep. Johnson: “With fewer children in the classroom because of the pandemic, it’s been harder to identify students suffering from abuse and neglect. CAPTA provides important prevention tools and flexibility to those dealing with child abuse on the front lines, the states. Improving the lives of children should never be partisan, and I’m grateful this bill is focused on that goal.”

Rep. Stefanik: “I am very proud to reintroduce the Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, a much-needed, bipartisan bill to address the unacceptable rise in child abuse cases across the country. This bill will provide funding to improve the quality of child protective services, increase collaboration between states, and strengthen support for families in New York’s 21st Congressional District. It also includes an amendment that I co-authored to authorize and fund a National Child Abuse Hotline. Unfortunately at a time when fewer children are in the classroom due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this bill is more important than ever.”

Rep. Foxx: “This broad-ranging proposal will serve America’s children and families by bolstering efforts to prevent and treat devastating cases of child abuse and neglect across the nation. I am proud to join my Republican colleagues Reps. Comer, Stefanik, and Johnson in cosponsoring the Stronger CAPTA and I thank them for their leadership and commitment to ensuring the safety of America’s children. I’d also like to thank Chairman Scott for his willingness to work across the aisle to advance meaningful, bipartisan legislation.”

The four Democrat co-sponsors are Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-03), Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11), and Rep. Kim Schrier (WA-08).

To read a one-pager on the Stronger CAPTA, click here.

To read the bill text of the Stronger CAPTA, click here.


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