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Foxx Blasts Biden’s NLRB General Counsel Hire

Republican Leader of the Committee on Education and Labor, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), issued the following statement today regarding President Biden’s designation of Peter Sung Ohr to serve as Acting General Counsel of the National Labor Relation’s Board (NLRB) after Biden fired Peter Robb from the position on January 20:  

“One of President Biden’s first actions to ‘unify’ our nation was to fire the Senate-confirmed NLRB General Counsel unilaterally 10 months before his appointment expired. Perhaps President Biden needs to revisit the definition of unify. The appointment of Mr. Ohr as a partisan placeholder could very well result in his future decisions being deemed null and void. President Biden should immediately reinstate Peter Robb as General Counsel of the NLRB so he can serve out the remainder of his term as an independent public official free from political influence.”


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