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Democrats Fund Left Wing Wish Lists Under Guise of COVID-19 Relief

Democrats are filling their partisan spending scheme with liberal wish lists unrelated to public health initiatives. This sham of a bill preys on an American crisis by senselessly spending taxpayer dollars while those same taxpayers can barely make ends meet.
Democrats are struggling to grasp what true COVID-19 relief should look like. Of the $1.9 trillion in their latest spending bill, the CBO estimates that only 9 percent will go towards public health initiatives.
Last time we checked; 9 percent was a failing grade by any standard. One of the more appalling examples of unrelated policy objectives is a taxpayer bailout of failing multiemployer pension plans.
The Democrat proposal amounts to a $86 billion taxpayer bailout of pensions that have been mismanaged by unions for years. Not only are taxpayers left footing the bill, but Democrats fail to address any forward-looking reforms that are needed to ensure that future workers and retirees will receive the retirement benefits they were promised.
Democrats are yet again rewarding failures—be it blue-state government mismanagement or poor pension plan decisions—while doing nothing to address school and business reopenings, economic revitalization, vaccine distribution, or any of the very real impacts of COVID-19.
Even worse, in order to fund these outlandish proposals, Democrats chose to take this money out of the unemployment coffers for workers who’ve lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.
Democrats have a plan for bailing out union bosses, spending taxpayer dollars to support left wing policy schemes, more than doubling the national minimum wage, and placating teachers’ unions. What they don’t have is a way to get our children back in schools, our employees back to work, and the economy back to its pre-pandemic prosperity. 
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