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ICYMI: Foxx Blasts Anti-Worker #PROUnionBosses Act

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined House Republican Leaders at a press conference to discuss the radical, anti-worker “PRO Union Bosses Act,” which the House is expected to pass later today. Below are excerpts and video of her remarks.

"Democrats would have you believe their radical PRO Act ‘protects the right to organize.’ All it does is ‘protect’ the $1.6 billion that the labor unions donate to support left-wing organizations…

"[The PRO Act] overturns 27 state right-to-work laws, it eliminates employees’ rights to a secret ballot election, and allows unions to boycott and picket nearly every business in America whether they are subject to a union vote or not.

"The bill reinstates several destructive Obama-era regulations, and includes California’s controversial AB 5, with zero exceptions, which will deprive millions of Americans the opportunity to work independently and start their own businesses.

"This provision is particularly ill-advised since many Americans during COVID, like working parents, are taking advantage of the flexibility the independent contracting model offers.

"At a time when employers and workers are forced to tighten their purse-strings, it is unconscionable that Democrats are pushing a bill that would take millions from workers’ paychecks and employers…

"Now is not the time to reward union bosses and liberal activists with political favors. Our focus should be on reopening schools and rebuilding the economy, so all Americans have the opportunity to succeed."


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