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Foxx on DOL’s Move to Undo Efforts to Protect Against Union Corruption

Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the Department of Labor (DOL) announced it will not enforce an Office of Labor-Management Standards rule that provides necessary transparency and accountability for labor union assets including trusts:
“Since Secretary Walsh’s nomination, I’ve been concerned that his Big Labor bias would cause him to undo the Trump administration’s progress providing greater financial transparency and organizational accountability to members of labor unions. Today, those concerns are realized.
“The decision by DOL not to enforce, and to work to rescind, the rule requiring that labor unions disclose certain financial records is a slap in the face to hard-working Americans. Union members deserve to know how union bosses are spending union funds, especially considering recent federal investigations uncovered nearly a decade of corruption at one of the largest unions in the country, which included money laundering, tax fraud, bribery, and the embezzlement of workers’ hard-earned union dues for lavish personal expenses. Today’s move by DOL is just another example of Democrats giving in to Big Labor demands at the expense of the American worker.”
Background: The Trump administration’s Office of Labor-Management Standards implemented commonsense reforms to safeguard against union corruption – helping rank-and-file union members educate themselves about the finances of the organizations that are supposed to represent them. 

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