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Democrats’ So-Called Paycheck Fairness Act: What They’re Saying

The House of Representatives will vote later today on the Democrats' so-called Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 7), which burdens business owners with frivolous lawsuits without offering any new protections for working women. Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what others are saying:
“While we agree Congress should consider policies that ensure equitable pay practices, H.R. 7 is the wrong approach as it would prohibit many legitimate, non-discriminatory practices that employers use to attract and retain the best qualified employees.” – Associated Builders and Contractors, International Franchise Association, National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, National Federation of Independent Business, National Restaurant Association, National Retail Federation, National Roofing Contractors Association, United States Chamber of Commerce
“…this bill would, among other things, significantly erode employer defenses for legitimate pay disparities, expand remedies under the EPA to include unlimited punitive and compensatory damages, and impose invalid tools for enforcement by the Labor Department.” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce
“This legislation will make it nearly impossible for a small employer to defend against claims where an ‘alternative employment practice’ exists.” – National Federation of Independent Businesses
“…the Paycheck Fairness Act would not boost women’s paychecks… it would discourage the hiring and advancement of women, who would be viewed as a legal risk.” – Independent Women’s Voice  
“Without abortion neutral language in H.R. 7, this legislation opens the door for employers to be sued for sex discrimination by simply refraining from funding abortion on demand in employee health plans.” – Susan B. Anthony List
“H.R. 7 does not address, in any meaningful way, the reasons that gender and sex-related pay disparity issues may exist in certain workplaces and inappropriately puts courts in the position of essentially writing employer compensation systems… The only individuals that will benefit from this approach are plaintiff’s trial attorneys.” – Human Resources Policy Association
“…the Democrats’ proposal would backfire because it would lower overall wages, eliminate pay based on performance, hurt employers and employees while benefiting trial attorneys, and create one-size-fits-all jobs.” – Heritage Action for America
“While the left claims H.R. 7 will close the ‘gender pay gap,’ this legislation is not about equal pay for equal work…Instead, the bill would give greedy trial lawyers unprecedented opportunity to target employers with frivolous lawsuits.”  Americans for Tax Reform
“Once again, the left has chosen to play identity politics to convince women that they are on their side. What masquerades as a gender-equality bill is in fact just a giveaway to trial lawyers that will kill jobs, harm women’s (and men’s) ability to find and negotiate employment best suited for them, and do nothing to increase gender equality in the workplace.” – FreedomWorks
“While the legislation is meant to address potential discrimination regarding the gender pay gap, the legislation was amended to contain language that could be construed to require employers to cover elective abortion in their healthcare benefits.” – National Right to Life
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