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About Those Bills Biden Wants

During last night’s Joint Address, President Biden supported several radical bills in the Education and Labor Committee’s jurisdiction, which, as those of us who read past the titles know, are contrary to the American ideals of freedom and equality.
Behind the President’s flashy endorsements are dangerous proposals that will weaken workers’ rights, make it more expensive to invest in the American workforce, thwart women’s equality, and bog down business owners with endless lawsuits.

Let’s set the record straight:
Biden: “I’m calling on Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, the PRO Act, and send it to my desk to support the right to organize.”
The Truth: The PRO Union Bosses Act will force workers into unions without their say.
  • This radical, backwards-looking legislation will allow union bosses to consolidate power, coerce workers, line their own pockets, and will kill job opportunities for hardworking Americans.
  • Among many harmful impacts, the PRO Act will threaten our economic vitality by outlawing state right-to-work laws, eliminating gig economy jobs and related workplace flexibilities that many, especially women, rely on.

Biden: “Let’s get the Paycheck Fairness Act to my desk for equal pay. It’s long past time.”  
The Truth: Equal pay has been the law of the land since 1963. 
  • The Paycheck Fairness Act provides no additional protections for working women. 
  • The bill makes it easier for trial lawyers to score unlimited paydays while dragging working women through never-ending legal proceedings.

Biden: “By the way let’s also pass the $15 minimum wage. No one should work 40 hours a week and still live below the poverty line.”   
The Truth: If this becomes law, more individuals will face diminished job opportunities because businesses will lay off workers, reduce workers’ hours, increase automation, or shut down altogether.
  • Mandating a $15 national minimum wage could cost the American workforce nearly 3.7 million jobs.
  • This is no way to bring our economy back to its pre-pandemic prosperity. It is once again a political ploy to appease left-wing Democrat allies and expand the role of government in our lives. This president is trying to make workers more reliant on the federal government instead of empowering them.

Biden: “I hope Congress can get to my desk the Equality Act to protect the rights of LBGTQ Americans.” 
The Truth: The Equality Act rejects biological realities and will threaten women’s equality, particularly in sports. 
  • The Equality Act undermines Title IX protections by allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports. 
  • It challenges religious freedoms by redefining gender to be fluid and not tied to biological reality and threatens lawsuits and pulled funding for religious institutions who refuse to violate their beliefs to placate the far left.
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