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DOL to Lift Union Transparency Requirements in Snub to Workers

Today, Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the Department of Labor issued a proposed rule to eliminate a Trump-era reporting requirement to provide transparency of labor organization finances and union boss spending:

“Secretary Walsh is in bed with Big Labor. Rescinding this rule is a slap in the face to hard-working union members. Workers deserve to know how union bosses are spending their union dues, which come directly out of member paychecks.

“The recent United Auto Worker embezzlement scandal involving the convictions of 15 union officials, including multiple former union presidents, is proof that we must demand more transparency and accountability from union bosses, especially when President Biden is demanding Congress send him the PRO Act, a bill that would hand them an additional $9.3 billion out of taxpayers' pockets. Today’s move by DOL borders on corruption and is yet another example of Democrats caving to Big Labor demands in their war against the American worker.”

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